Moonbucks Coffee
A customer-order and order-retrieval app using a Firebase database.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Moment, JSON, AJAX, Firebase.
Deployed app
Gify Baby!
Enter any keyword of your choice and hit search! Upon clicking the search button, the app will make a call to the API (Application Programming Interface), retrieve data based on the user's keyword, and then display a total of ten Gifs.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Giphy API, JSON, AJAX.
Deployed app
'80s Music Hangman
An '80s music themed Hangman game. Guess the Artist! There are a total of 5 different games.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Deployed game
'90s Movie Trivia
In this '90s movie themed Trivia Game, the user must choose the correct answer for each question within 10 seconds. There are a total of 5 questions.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Deployed game
Parallax Scrolling
An app displaying a parallax effect. Parallax scrolling is a website trend where the background content is moved at a different speed than the foreground content while scrolling.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery.
Deployed app
An app that gives a recommendation of what to wear and pack based on the weather.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Darksky API, Google Maps API, JSON, AJAX, Daterangepicker, Moment.
Web app screenshots
LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. It is a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives back data.
LIRI will search Bandsintown for concerts, Spotify for songs, and OMDB for movies. The app will send requests using the AXIOS Node package to the Bands in Town, Spotify and OMDB APIs, and then retrieve data.
Technologies used: Node, JavaScript, Bandsintown API, Spotify API, OMDB API, JSON, AXIOS, Moment.
Demo video of app
Code and readme file with demo screenshots
An inventory system for the store "Jetmart". It is a command line node app that communicates with a MySQL database.
The customer app takes in a customer's order and updates the database.
The manager app shows the inventory and allows items to be added to or deleted from the database.
Technologies used: Node, MySQL, JavaScript.
Demo video of app
Code and readme file with demo screenshots